V&S Vein + Skin


Discover the latest acne treatments in New Zealand

Acne is a tough nut to crack. 

​It can affect anyone at any age but mostly strikes during the already awkward teenage years.

And while the latest acne treatments are light-years ahead of their predecessors, the condition is not only still prevalent, but actually on the rise.

For the millions of people affected by the condition, the good news is… we can help. 

What is acne?

To give it its full name, Acne Vulgaris is a skin disease.

Like most diseases, it has different symptoms, in this case, blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules, cysts and milia. 

We still don’t know what causes acne, but genetics play a large part. Other factors such as diet, hormones, and lifestyle can also contribute.

Teenagers are most affected by acne because of a change in their testosterone production. This leads to more oil being produced, which blocks pores in the skin. 

Usually the symptoms of acne abate by the time a person reaches their early twenties, but adult acne is common, with menopausal women more likely to suffer from the condition.

Why acne can be so devastating? Teenage years are a critical time in a young person’s life. Anyone suffering from acne can develop social anxiety, depression, and even long-term psychological issues.

But of course, it’s not only teenagers who suffer. 

Adults who develop the condition can sometimes suffer more than their teenage counterparts, as they’re expected to have “grown out of it”. 

Adults who suffer from acne tend to lead less social lives, find it difficult to meet new people, and form new relationships.

And it’s not just personal lives which can be damaged by acne. Many people have missed career promotions or job interviews due to the loss of confidence acne can bring.

What are the latest acne treatments in New Zealand?

The latest acne treatments are very different from what they were even a decade ago, with modern technology and advances in cosmetics making dramatic differences in people’s lives.

We offer a range of the latest acne treatments to help virtually every type of acne.


Omnilux is suitable for the treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory acne. 

It works by using LED technology at specific wavelengths to target bacterial toxins, resulting in clearer, healthier skin, with a marked decrease in redness and inflammation.

Results are seen around 3 to 4 weeks and last for 6-12 months.

iClear Blue Light

Regular treatment (twice a week) of iClear Light Therapy can help to clear mild to moderate acne. 

Treatments are painless, relaxing and typically take about 30 minutes. Results are even better if used alongside the above Omnilux treatment.

Fraxel Laser Treatment

Fraxel treatment uses pinpoint lasers to penetrate beneath the skin’s surface eliminating old, damaged skin cells, which in turn stimulates the body’s own natural healing process. 

This replaces damaged skin with fresh, healthy skin, helping to avoid the scarring associated with acne.

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT & ALA)

Photodynamic Therapy, or PDT for short, is one of the latest acne treatments available in New Zealand.

The treatment uses a liquid paste, which is applied to the skin before LED treatment. This procedure can improve active acne dramatically by minimising pores and reduce oil glands. 

PDT also effectively treats stubborn acne and can improve the appearance of acne scars.


One of our most popular acne treatments, microdermabrasion polishes the skin, giving the skin a fresh appearance. 

Using small calcium hydroxyapatite crystals on the skin surface, the treatment clears away skin debris, while at the same time clearing pores.

Treatments last 30 minutes and are usually once a week for 6 weeks.

Pharmaceutical Treatments

The latest acne treatments also include a range of professional pharmaceutical products, including creams and cleansers, all with the most advanced active ingredients.

For the more stubborn and severe cases of acne, antibiotics such as erythromycin, clindamycin or minocycline are used. Antibiotics can be taken orally or applied topically.

Come to us for the latest acne treatments

If you’ve tried everything but can’t shift this stressful condition, then give us a call and let’s have a chat about how we can help. 

Not only do we have the latest acne treatments available in New Zealand, but we also have some of the country’s most experienced industry medical professionals.

Our staff are continuously up-skilled in all modern treatments, attending medical conferences both overseas and at home. 

Acne is no laughing matter. It can seriously damage a person’s confidence, social life, and career prospects.

If you want to get rid of your problem, then get in touch with us today.

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